Thursday, August 23, 2007


5 SEPT 2007

The Cage (Operated by We Wanted to be Footballers Pte Ltd)
38 Jalan Benaan Kapal ( a 30m free kick away from the Indoor Stadium)
event starts on 1300*
( Participants are to report at 1147 at tamp mrt)
( latecomers will pay the penalty fee

event ends at 1500

bring your shoes, soccer boots are allowed
your own towel, sabun, etc.(we can mandi there)

the only rules that may concern us is the height of our socks
minimum height to the ankle

payment by cash $5 each(no bargains)

4 person per team (1 golllie) teams will be assigned by the classic game of "Tit Tit Tit"
3 teams
two goals and losers out

jgn tanye kenape meeting time siang sangat. korang sendiri tau kenape. and the time utk kiter pergi saner is a bit consuming pasal bas dia lembab. so punctuality is what i forseek. discpline. it is for the benefit of korang jugak sal bole main full time. sape yg lambat mintak maaf kalau aku mintak korang bayar lebih. we will leave from tamp latest by 1203. siape lambat dia kena carik tempatnya sendiri. muahaha. bukan senag ah, aku sendiri pernah sesat. so, hope semua maklum.

yang confirm ader
-wan(hamlau, dia pon bukannyer bacer blog ni, haha)

Yng mite make it
-Rhadji(tryn to mintak day off from werk)

YNG cannot make it
-khal(turtle suasah nak kluar dari shell, maklumla, pantat besr)

sesiapa yang tidak boleh hadir baik bilang aku. jgn buabg masa aku(macam si pantat)
any problems, contact me.


ah klau WAGS mau turun, join je. dtg tengok kiter lari mcm monkey, bau bachen semoer. ah baru kiter ader semangat nak main. STEAM beb.