Sunday, May 25, 2008


A new background means a new chapter.a new beginning of the BRAERS.
What ive seen in the blog during the past,everything all seem not to go in the right way.Especially the tagboard.

I want to take this oppurtunity to apologise to all the people we have hurt especially sue.she has been a great tagger,yet again,we hurt her.Do come and tag us again shld u pass by this blog again.and for the rest,we r sorry too.

Guys,i hope u dun mind.u know,if we want respect from people,we have to respect em.
okay,to our braers,khal and hydil,things have been rough for you guys.dun worry.have strong faith in god and urself.BELIEVE in yourself.u can do it.we r ol bhind each other.sabar dan ikhlas,itulaa islam=) cheyt.

okay,the rest,sape yg ade,jagelaa dorg baik2 seperti ape khaldun ckp.okay,on the bright side,the braers has send yan,lutfi,ahmad,khaldun and myself in the quest in the bid of winning big money.its like an amazing race.i hope u guys pray for us.manelaa tau,kalau ade rezeki,menanglah kiter.but far from the money,its bout team spirit.a way to challenge our team,n put to a test on how well we know of each other.

afterall,we r one big proud to say that shld ppl wana tok bout true friends,this is one good example.we r friends,truly for each other.THE BRAERS.brotherly love.
k take care guys!

*ahmad,thankz for doing up the blog.
*to my love,u have been great.