Sunday, June 1, 2008

Again, I felt like posting...

This may be quite deep of a meaning for some of you
i just need to get it outta ma chest
i gotta let it out

Guys... some of u noe me for a long time..
some for 3 months, some for 4 years,
and even some i noe for at least for 10 bloody years...
but the people who noes me the longest are my family..

however long you guys noe me, or even anyone, no one will ever noe who we are except ourselves.
personally as i grow i noe myself more..
i noe how far i can run, i noe how fast i can run, i noe how crazy i can be, i noe how annoying i can be...
but the one thing that stops one from reaching further is knowing our limits...

if we know our limits, we noe our boundary, our safety barrier and most imptly, our friends' feelings..
we noe when not to hurt them with our limits that we have drawn..

but the only limit that we should never draw out is; how far, or how fast we want our lives to be...
because if we break this particular boundary, we can go further than anyone, even ourselves, can imagine..

i would just like to share with you my remedy to my life..
i'm not saying that my life is good,
i'm just sayin tht aku syukur dgn aper yg dikurniakan ALLAH swt

i'm just sharing wif you wht i think i need...
and those who are reading this, u may noe where u lie on my heart and soul

i need...

at least 10 friends who i can laugh with at any point of time..
(some of you braers are in here)

8 options of my life route
(These are mainly options i have after my diploma)

6 reasons why i am born in this world
(to help, to help, to help, to help, to help, to help)
(those who noe me really well will understand)

4 friends who i can trust, werk with and i am always there for...
(stooges and pussycat, u noe hu u are)

2 closest family members (not that the rest dont matter, i just love them more)
(my mother and my sister)

1 BEST FRIEND.............
(they say its love, i say, this is the the best word describing her, ULTIMATELY)
(I am yet to find)

i think the only people who understand WHAT i mean are down-to-earth...
i am constantly think of my future..
i am constantly thinkimg....

i never say names of my great friends
coz i remember
saying one name and it ended in a blink of an eye =(

but i always think of the great times, but i took the bad times as a lesson
a lesson to be a better person

so guys, good friends don't come easy
and hu eva is reding this, u will definitely have a role to play in my life
be it the main actors or mere props on the temporary stage of life
(i still appreciate u for hu u are)
and i hope i am part of u no matter how small of a role i play, or weak of an impression i made...

like i told someone b4,
we can never please anyone
SHIT happens
but life has to go on
we can't be saying tht someone's life is better
instead, we got to make them our target, our mission

I told a particular person this:

DONT let them be the tornado, destroying our lives
let them be the gust of wind, telling us the direction on where to go

REMEMBER, be thankful to GOD, ALLAH swt, with what we have..
if we want something, doesnt mean we get it..
but going for it has it's benefits, i makes u wiser and have a stronger vision of things to come
take things day by day, planning will just help u anticipate on what's coming...
the thing that is impt is that WE WEK HARD FOR IT, USAHA

Amin, Amin, Yarabbal-Alamin
