Sunday, July 13, 2008

Watak dan peranan

in life, especially during our young age..
we tend to take things as it is..
konon rilek,konon laid-back..
we always wanna live life the way only we want it
and not how others think we should.
we start of by wanting friends,
then by making friends,
and then we grow to NEED our friends.

and the friends that we need,
are usually the friends who helped shaped you into who you are.
yes, we have our own principles, but community influences you the most.
if you grow up with friends playing football, u most definitely wont turn up playing cricket.
and if you grow up with friends who understands how life really works,
most probably you'll end up like them too.

therefore i am grateful,
to have friends,
who have become brothers to me.
tighly-knitted as a family.
and eventhough im not always there with them in every single outings,
not because i dont want to but i can't,
they never pushed me aside,
they don't ostracise me like some weird animal.

thank you Braers,
for being a huge part of my life.

thanks for the advises,
but matters of the heart,
i don't even dare decide for myself.

only time will tell.

*sape lagi post macam gini..
haha.. ni hydil lah..

and i've eljay-ed!