Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Finally! After procrastinating for so long, this Sentosa trip is going to happen after all!
It will be on Sunday, 27th of Feb 2011
Untuk yang tak dapat join atas sebab kena kerja, teruskan.. There will be more to come..
To those coming, here are the details:

Things to bring:
-It will be a potluck event. Bring Snacks, real food, finger food, bread, tuna, nutella etc.
-1x 1.5l bottled drink per person.. More is welcomed.
(Anas, sebelum kau tanya, aku jawab. Bwk utk diri sendiri, bukan each and every person.)
-Swimming gear aka T-shirt/Singlet, Shorts.
-Groundsheet, Canvas tarp, Picnic mats
-Plastic bags (for wet clothes)
-Sunblock / Suntan Lotion
-Form of Entertainment aka Ball, Boardgames, Frisbee, Self.
-Wear Braers and Wags T-shirt to the event okay!

Ladies who're cooking, please liaise with my Secretary, Mrs Kwok at 83230762
and let her know what you're bringing so we can gauge if it's enough or too much okay?

How to get there and reporting time:
Please be at Seah Im Open Carpark By 9am.
First wave convoy will be going in latest 9.30am.
We're going to car pool so it will be cheaper,
Entrance $7 per car, Parking $3 for first 8hr at Tanjong/Palawan Carpark = $10
One car 5 people, we're only paying $2 per person. LUMAYAN!

In Fudge's car:
Hydil, Fudge, Ain, Khal, Anas

Yan, I suggest Ahmad Follow you..
So it will be
Yan, Idah, Ahmad, Ashidah

Isa and Asnu,
Isa, Bella, Asnu, Shafiqah

Raziman and Nisa will join us later..

The rest have yet to confirm they're attendance..
but there's still spaces in cars that can be filled in..

Izzad, I know you're booking in that night, but we'd like you to confirm if you're still coming..
Safwan, Lutfi and Wak won't be able to make it cos of work..
And all the best to Hilmi for his prelims (bukan Simlim) the next day!

Let's Rock Sentosa guys!

-Ah Kwok